Nearly a decade after he was viciously attacked by a dog, Frankie Flora sat down with New York's ABC 7 to have a have a chat with reporters about his recent surgeries, school, and progress on his bill. As of today, Frankie has had over 40 surgeries and procedures. You can view it in the embed above. … [Read More...]
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An Update on Frankie Flora!
It’s been a long time! Frankie has been busy in the last few months, with fundraisers, interviews, as well as having a grand total of 42 procedures – including more this summer. There’s great news, however! The “Frankie Flora” Bill (available via the New York State Senate) has moved on the Judiciary Committee, another step […]

Frankie Undergoes More Surgical Procedures
In the first part of 2016, Frankie underwent multiple surgical procedures; there have been 36 since the was attacked by a rescued pit bull in 2009. One of the surgeries included tissue expansion on his scalp to remove an additional bald spot. Another procedure was to wire his right eye, to lift it up. This […]
Pit Bull Attack Survivor

Day of the Tragedy
Frankie's Unfortunate Circumstance On April 16th, 2009, Frankie Flora was tragically and horrifically attacked by a pit bull (see news video). Here are the cards Frankie was dealt: Frankie's injuries were extremely severe. He had 4 sections of his head removed down to the scull. They had to put donated skin on his head to … Read more